TLS Annual Gathering

Friday PM Pre-Gathering Workshop with Frank Faine

FRIDAY AFTERNOON - Pre-Gathering Workshop
October 18, 2019
1:00 - 4:00 pm

Separate $55 Pre-Resistration Required

Walking with a Whole Heart: Exploring and Embracing the Hospitality of the Labyrinth
The labyrinth invites us to walk its path with whole hearts. Risking such a journey, we may find ourselves transformed by its hospitality. In this workshop participants will be introduced to whole-hearted walking; explore specific ways the labyrinth welcomes us; and begin to feel the embrace of the labyrinth’s inner and outer hospitality

Frank Faine is a spiritual director, Veriditas-trained labyrinth facilitator, and retreat leader living in Orlando, FL. He is also the TLS Regional Representative for Florida.  He is also currently completed a TLS Special Project on ways to use the labyrinth experience/walks on college university campuses in Central Florida. With a rich and diverse background in companioning, healing and teaching, he offers spiritual direction, labyrinth walks and retreats to all persons on their journeys to embrace a life affirming spiritual path through his organization Steps, Stories and Songs.