Types of Labyrinths

Below is a list of types of labyrinths. By clicking on any of the links below, you will be taken to specific definitions and examples. 

The Baltic Labyrinth a.k.a. Goddess Labyrinth Diagram 1

The Baltic Labyrinth a.k.a. Goddess Labyrinth Diagram 1

This is a two-mouthed labyrinth. One initially moves through this labyrinth as one does a classical, but because there is a "Y" at the center of the seed pattern instead of the expected cross, it spirals into the goal like the Hecate labyrinth above. Unlike the Hecate labyrinth, there is also a spiraling escape. The Rad (shown below) may look as if it has four mouths; however, the outer ring is not one of the labyrinth's walls. Among German-speaking labyrinth enthusiasts, these are known as "Baltic Wheel Labyrinths."