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Bonafide Fun

TLS 365 Experience #245
October 31, 2017

It's always fun to work with kids, they have wonderful imaginations and I often find their creativity inspiring as it is playful, limitless and speaks to their truth.  As Halloween approached I asked a teacher to gather chicken bones and secured more at the local butcher shop during the month. Chicken bones tend to be small so work well in the building of labyrinth in pieces. The teacher brought the kids into our nearby center for an afternoon of discovery with the idea of appreciating the imagination and inspiration and in a world that can be unnerving for kids;  finding the fun of tethering on the edge of the unknown.

On dark table tops the illuminated circles brought light to work with as the kids played a game in teams and got to pick out the bones from a bucket as they guessed correctly. We played a variety of games with the bones and part of the fun of the day was in building a labyrinth with them.taking away the myth and the monster to add magic and meaning.

Today's Experience submitted by:
Lynda Tourloukis, TLS 365 Experience Coordinator
Illinois & Nevada