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Gathering Special Event

Friday and Saturday Night Ticketed Wine Tasting Events

WINE TASTINGS We will be in Central Valley Wine Territory after all!

There is a separate $40 registration required for each event.

Space is limited to 40 participants at each event.

On Friday and Saturday evenings a local wine expert, Colette Goga of Yosemite Wine Tails, a dog-friendly wine bar in downtown Oakhurst, will offer unique wine experiences. These are offered by separate pre-registration only. No walk-ins.

Registration is done as an option of Gathering registration. You may choose to register for one or both.

Bottles of wine will be available for purchase at both events. 

Friday, October 18th
Wine and Cheese Event

8:30 pm – 9:30 pm
(separate registration required)

A Local Cheese Monger will collaborate with Colette to offer sampling of wines from small winteries of Central Valley California paired with cheeses by small producers from across the country.

SATURDAY October 19th
Reading Between the Wines

7:15 pm – 8:15 pm
(separate registration required)

Wine tasting and book reading co-hosted by a local wine maker and featuring six TLS member authors and poets as noted below.

Reading Between the Wines Presenters

Helen Curry reading from The Way of the Labyrinth: A Powerful Meditation for Everyday Life. 

Helen Curry, was the Founder and Executive Director of the Labyrinth Project of Connecticut and the Founding President of the global Labyrinth Society. She was the first to introduce the labyrinth to a conference in Russia in 1995 and has taught labyrinth workshops in Lithuania, England, Canada, and all over the United States. As an ordained inter-faith minister, she has performed numerous labyrinth weddings using a ceremonial canvas of her own design. She had a monthly ministry for the women at Danbury Federal Prison for over 15 years.

Robin Dilley reading from In a Moment’s Notices: A Psychologist’s Journey with Breast Cancer

Dr. Robin B. Dilley has lived her life helping people as an Arizona Licensed Psychologist and a spiritual consultant. She is an avid writer, whether that be her weekly newsletter, journaling, or writing a few self-help books. She began self-publishing with her breast cancer story, where one reader says:
It is a fascinating story as she shares her professional and personal responses to the evolving drama of diagnosis, treatment, and the multiple impacts on her world. Whether you’ve personally experienced cancer or not, it’s a special gift to be with her on her journey. Karla L. Birkholz, MD

Frank Faine

Frank Faine reading from The Enciling Embrace: Reflections on the Mystic Hospitality of the Labyrinth

Frank Faine is a spiritual director, Veriditas-trained labyrinth facilitator, and retreat leader living in Orlando, FL. Currently he serves TLS as VP of Outreach and as a Regional  Representative for Florida. His work with TLS focuses on ways to use and incorporate the labyrinth experience/walks on college university campuses both in Central Florida and nation-wide. With a rich and diverse background in companioning, healing, and teaching, he offers spiritual direction, labyrinth walks, and retreats to all persons on their journeys to embrace a life affirming spiritual path through his organization Steps, Stories and Songs.

Eve Hogan reading from The Way of the Winding Path: A Map for the Labyrinth of Life

Eve Eschner Hogan is an inspirational speaker, labyrinth facilitator, and author of several books including: The Way of the Winding Path: A Map for the Labyrinth of Life and The Spirit of the Labyrinth: A True Tail of Love. She owns Heart Path Journeys and The Sacred Garden on Maui and provides healing retreats and labyrinth walks. Eve’s charismatic style captivates listeners and ignites people’s enthusiasm and joy for life. She leaves her audiences empowered with skills to effect positive change in their lives.

Traci Mc. Merritt reading from Laughing Labyrinth Timepeace

Peace as the joy of living in the rhythms of Nature, the collaboration of community and the alignment of one’s passions, gifts and service within the world. Traci mc. Merritt wrote her book, Laughing Labyrinth Tmepeace, during a time she was raising two young sons and was determined, no, called to create a new listening tool, incorporating laughter medicine and labyrinth walking, for living life fully, and in alignment with our soul purpose. Currently, Traci works as a landscape architect with the US Forest Service on the Oregon coast. She hosts LevityZen labyrinth walks periodically, combining laughter medicine with labyrinth walking.

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