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Energy Request

Energy Keepers: Make an Energy Request

If you are a Labyrinth Society member, or a visitor to our website, and would like to make a request, please fill out the Energy Request Form below or contact the Energy Keepers Chair by email (and please put Energy Keeper Request in the subject line.)  This link will open a new email if you have a dedicated email program like Outlook or Mail (Mac). If you use webmail, right click on the link and copy the address to paste in your webmail.

The request for you, your family, or your community will be added to the next request that is sent to all those who form our powerful circle.  If you have a concern for the world or your part of the planet that may be in need of our energy, please make a request.  If you are in need of long-term energy work and prayer there are those who can be there for you. These Energy Keeper Angels are ready to serve.  Often, it is by the power of asking that the Divine is awakened in each of us and a step to awakening.   

Your request can be held in confidence or you can provide just first names.  Please include your name and contact information, the name and location of the person to be held in the light, and the issue at hand.  If would be wonderful to hear of situations that are resolved or completed, as we share the good news of resolution as well.  It is a celebration to know the concern is resolved.  Make a request today.

Energy Request Form

  • Requester's Information

    Please fill out your contact information below so we can contact you if we have any questions.
  • (required fields)
  • (if not a member of The Labyrinth Society)
  • (if not a member of The Labyrinth Society)
    (not required)
  • Request on Behalf of

    Please fill out the information for the person or situation to be held in the light of the labyrinth.
  • What is your request?
  • What is the period of time for which this request will be relevant?
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