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The following story about a young girl and the labyrinth is not intended to “prove” that labyrinths work. But it does direct our attention to the possible efficacy of the labyrinth and will hopefully inspire further research.

A nine year old girl terrified a classmate with the pictures she repeatedly drew of gory monsters with horns and fangs. She was abnormally preoccupied with blood and bodily functions.

She has been diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome, a childhood disorder characterized by social isolation, peculiar speech, clumsiness, and development of restricted, repetitive and eccentric patterns of behavior, interests, and activities.

One of her teachers brought a portable labyrinth to school and the class did a labyrinth walk.

The girl walked in slowly, spent at least 15 minutes lying quietly in the center, then skipped and giggled on the way out.

After the walk, she said, “It was nice. I felt happy. I thought about flowers and a clear blue water lake.” This response astonished her teachers.

A week later she walked the labyrinth again, then drew a picture of these thoughts. It was the first time she had included color and beauty in a drawing.

She now has a finger labyrinth that she uses to relax during free time at school.

Drawing before the labyrinth walk

Drawing after the labyrinth walk

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