Special Projects

SSQ International Exchange - Lyon, France

Our second grant went to Reginald Adams’s Sacred Spaces Project. Reginald Adams LLC is a public art and design firm in Houston, Texas. This was a very ambitious project in conjunction with International Exchange, a youth exchange program which “engages, empowers and inspires youth through hands-on service projects locally in foreign countries…this collaborative is a multi-disciplinary approach to cultural and social awareness that builds bridges between international communities to address issues of education, environment, urban revitalization, creative place-making and cultural tolerance.” After tours to historic landmarks and cathedrals that have labyrinths, the group of 16 students, working with the local host team, created a 7 circuit classical labyrinth in 4 or 5 days on the ECAM Lyon Graduate School of Engineering. More information and photos are available on the Sacred Sites Quest Facebook Page.

Or for more information see:

Sacred Sites Quest on Reginald Adam's website