TLS Community Workshop: Labyrinth Activism Plus Sound Meditations
November 12, 2022, 2:30–4:30 p.m. EST (click to view in your time zone)
Hosted by The Labyrinth Society on Zoom
Labyrinth Activism and Collective Consciousness
What is labyrinth activism, what does it look like, and what is the current need for it? Learn how the term and action of contemplative labyrinth activism has come into our labyrinth community and how you can be a part of global collective healing. Presented by Chris Katzenmeyer and Ellen Bintz Meuch.
Incorporating Sound into Your Labyrinth Walks
What is a sound bath? What are the benefits of sound therapy or sound healing? How can I incorporate sound into the labyrinth experience? Rob Meyer-Kukan will share answers to these questions as well as suggestions for where to start when purchasing instruments and a list of sound healing tools available for under $50. BONUS – Participants will receive a discount code to use at Sunreed Instruments!
Registration required:
- $15 for non-members
- $10 for TLS Members
- No cost for TLS Regional Reps (see RR email)
- Chris Katzenmeyer, Executive Director of the Legacy Labyrinth Project (LLP)
- Ellen Bintz Meuch, Director of the LLP Labyrinth Activist Network, Founder of the Global Healing Response, TLS World Labyrinth Day Coordinator
- Rob Meyer-Kukan, Sound Healer, Labyrinth Facilitator, and Massage Therapist (7 Notes Natural Health)
Since 1998, The Labyrinth Society (TLS) has served the worldwide labyrinth community by supporting all those who create, maintain, and use labyrinths by providing education, networking, and opportunities to experience transformation.
New in 2022–2023, TLS is offering Community Workshops designed to welcome, inform, and inspire. Hosted on Zoom, these workshops enable labyrinth enthusiasts to come together around an exciting array of topics through presentations, group discussions, and more. Please share these opportunities with friends, family, and others in your circles who might be looking for community, discovery, and transformation.