Labyrinth Research Bibliography

Bibliography of Articles and Studies Related to Labyrinth Research 2022 Update (.pdf 412K) - version that will be searchable on the new Labyrinth Society website

Bibliography of Studies Related to Labyrinth Research (.pdf 517K) - version in the searchable categories below

This downloadable Bibliography has all entries sorted by author. The entries in the bibliography have been categorized below by topic and also by type (doctoral dissertation, journal article etc.).

Dancing at the edge of death: The origins of the labyrinth in the Paleolithic (1st ed.).

Lorimer, J.

Abstract:  In her archaeological research the author “spent over 12 years following an Ariadne’s thread to its source, deep into the origins of human consciousness.  The labyrinthine journey to the Otherworld was painted on the walls of caves by the first modern humans in Paleolithic Europe over 32,000 years ago.  Ancient shamans mapped the route of the labyrinth revealing the complex minds and spirits of a sophisticated people.  Their enigmatic art, arising from powerful experiences encountered in the weirdly beautiful environment of the caves still has a mysterious resonance for us today.  What are the deep secrets of this symbol?  Why is it reemerging today, proliferating around the world from Tasmania to Finland?  And what lesson does it bring us from our ancient ancestors?  How can both god and monster reside at the center of the enigmatic labyrinth?”

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