Labyrinth Research Bibliography

Bibliography of Articles and Studies Related to Labyrinth Research 2022 Update (.pdf 412K) - version that will be searchable on the new Labyrinth Society website

Bibliography of Studies Related to Labyrinth Research (.pdf 517K) - version in the searchable categories below

This downloadable Bibliography has all entries sorted by author. The entries in the bibliography have been categorized below by topic and also by type (doctoral dissertation, journal article etc.).

Wandering into community: Celtic Christian spirituality as a way of evangelising neopagan people groups resident in Great Britain

Meister, D. G.

Abstract:  The setting for "Wandering into Community" takes place in the Northeast of England. While Great Britain is now an intensely secularised society with very few people attending church, the Northeast, in particular, is rich in the Celtic Christian tradition. Lindisfarne, Jarrow, Durham Cathedral, Melrose, Whitby Abbey, and York Minister all surround the location where the project takes place.

Despite the successes of the church in the British Isles in the past, especially in its evangelisation of ancient pagan people groups, today's church struggles to influence the prevailing secular culture with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. While, technically, Great Britain is still a Christian nation, the gap between the church and the broader culture is now too wide to close using traditional evangelical techniques.

"Wandering into Community" investigates the possibility of using Celtic Christian spirituality as a means of reconnecting a disengaged church, St. Columba's, part of a larger group of churches in the United Reformed tradition, with its surrounding community. The project involved building a Celtic labyrinth garden on a disused piece of church property with two participants teams from the church and wider community. Engaging in the project was viewed as an act of evangelism.

"Wandering into Community" finds hope in Celtic Christian theological themes that are balanced, biblical, organic, communal, and charismatic. Today many features of Celtic Christian spirituality are found within Natural Church Development, and the relationship between the two is discussed as an alternative paradigm for reaching communities in search of God.

As the project proceeded, the host church evidenced a persistent lack of involvement, although other churches within the group were interested and supportive. The greatest change to occur was found in the high level of participation from the Grange Ward community itself.

The use of Piedmont's Spiritual Transcendence Scale showed an increase in spirituality in churched members as they engaged the project, but not necessarily among community participants. However, a focus group that walked through the garden, upon its completion, showed increases in spirituality. A reflection upon how the garden might be used in the future, and who might use it, is also considered.

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