Labyrinth Research Bibliography

Bibliography of Articles and Studies Related to Labyrinth Research 2022 Update (.pdf 412K) - version that will be searchable on the new Labyrinth Society website

Bibliography of Studies Related to Labyrinth Research (.pdf 517K) - version in the searchable categories below

This downloadable Bibliography has all entries sorted by author. The entries in the bibliography have been categorized below by topic and also by type (doctoral dissertation, journal article etc.).

The labyrinth: Reclaiming an ancient spiritual tool for a modern healthcare setting. Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy, 10:1, Summer, 55-62. (2010)

Hopthrow, L.

A labyrinth is an ancient spiritual tool that is being reclaimed in the modern world as a tool for contemplation. Although our experience is primarily in palliative care, labyrinths are beneficial in any healthcare setting. Pilgrims Hospices in East Kent have used different forms of labyrinths with patients and careers as they have been found to be calming or enlightening. The Department of Health has funded a labyrinth as part of a Therapeutic Labyrinth Garden, and this article reports on Pilgrims Hospices’ experience as an encouragement for other hospices and hospitals to provide a labyrinth as a part of the spiritual care offered not only to patients and careers but also to staff and volunteers.

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