TLS e-News Archive

TLS eNews: Successful Fundraiser, Website Development, WWLL Report

Thank you for your support! Because of you, our end-of-year fundraising effort, Stars on the Path, was a great success! With over $5,000 in individual donations and $5,500 in matching funds, we raised a total of over $10,500. Our gratitude to each of you and to the matching funds donors! This support is essential and allows us to continue serving the worldwide labyrinth community with resources and opportunities to learn and connect.

New Website Coming Along

You may have heard us mention the new website we’re working on, but have you heard any of the intriguing details? We are so excited about our new look, new layout, and the new community pages that are in development. Plans include highlighting partner organizations, regional and local labyrinth groups, a new and improved events calendar, and many other features and resources.

In the meantime, we encourage you to visit and submit events to our current events calendar and share posts on the Facebook Global Group. If you need any technical assistance or have questions, please contact our Communications Team, led by Dee Clark and Sarah Nash, at

World-Wide Labyrinth Locator Report

January 2021

Another 75 new labyrinth listings were uploaded to the Labyrinth Locator website during the final quarter of 2020, and we now have 6,065 labyrinths active in the WWLL database, in a total of 86 different countries. Despite the continuing coronavirus emergency around the world, the website continues to be popular, with around 10,500 visits to the website by over 8,000 different users during the month of December, for example. Hopefully the summer of 2021 will see new labyrinths springing in existence and opportunities for folk to visit them improving.

Jeff Saward, WWLL Admin & Support

The World-Wide Labyrinth Locator is sponsored by The Labyrinth Society and Veriditas through a generous grant from the Faith, Hope and Love Foundation..