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50th Edition of Caerdroia!

Founded in 1980 and published annually, Caerdroia is the journal for the study of labyrinths and mazes, from the earliest rock carvings and artifacts through to modern installations of ever increasing ingenuity. This publication is one of the amazing benefits of Labyrinth Society membership. If you are not a member or need to renew your membership, please visit our membership pages.

The 50th edition of Caerdroia is now available for members to download and contains articles on mazes and labyrinths from various corners of the world – four recently discovered stone labyrinths in Western India, a catalogue of medieval manuscript labyrinths not documented in Hermann Kern’s Through the Labyrinth and a look at one especially unusual example, historic hedge mazes in Portugal, the Rösaring stone labyrinth in Sweden, possible turf maze sites in Wales, the names of labyrinths in northern Europe, the structure of classical and Roman labyrinths, two labyrinths in Wyoming, one in Myanmar, another on a stitched sampler from England and a fascinating example on a powder horn from the American War of Independence – as always a packed and diverse edition. Two of the articles this time around also remember researchers sadly no longer with us, Börje Sandén and Wiktor Daszewski – a reminder, should it be needed, of the importance of recording our research and ideas for future workers in the field.